"The Adventures of City Boy C-man" is loosely based on the Childhood of the author Dr. Henry "Coach" Frazier III and his many encounters growing up in Washington, DC.  The motivation behind the Creation is the author’s desire to see young people flourish and be successful in all their endeavors.  The goal of City Boy C-man is to show all Children they have goodness inside of them and they have the ability to make Correct decisions.  City Boy C-man wants all Children to know there is nothing wrong with DOING THE RIGHT THING!

City Boy C-man Develops Confidence, "MVP" is the third book released in The Adventures of City Boy C-man series. In this book, City Boy C-man overcomes fears and becomes Confident. For elementary age children. 

City Boy C-man Develops Confidence, "MVP"


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Price: $35.00


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Price: $25.00


Note:For ordering purposes, both volumes are regarded as a pair, or Qty 1.

Purchase both books (1 & 3) together as a pair at a discounted price.


Price: $25.00


Note:For ordering purposes, both volumes are regarded as a pair, or Qty 1.

Purchase both books (2 & 3) together as a pair at a discounted price.


Price: $25.00


Note:For ordering purposes, both volumes are regarded as a pair, or Qty 1.


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